Wednesday 30 April 2014

Challenge 3 - Day 3

For this day I tried different painting styles I found in various tutorials. Although the end results are similar, having a reference of how each setting creates the details proved useful (and fun!).
The nose on the left looks like it caught a disease! I considered lowering (if not removing) the freckles (those were meant to be freckles) however it is a valuable lesson knowing the amount of details required to create a desired effect. So I left it sick.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Monday 28 April 2014

Challenge 3 - Day 1

On to Challenge 3! I thought I would start digitally this time. I created a standard palette to use with some general coloration that I would probably find in most Caucasian skin. I thought I would start with something familiar to me and then explore various skin tones as I go along (which also means the palette will keep on growing).
I tried to setup a mirror but it proved impossible so I will have to do with photos.
But here we go! This marks Day1!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Challenge 2 - Day 13

This day I decided to prioritize rest and had an early(-er) sleep. These exercises are indeed a challenge since I have to make sure I leave enough time at the end of the day for drawing!
So here is a kitty!

Challenge 2 - Day 12

Challenge 2 - Day 11

I have come to love drawing on this kind of paper. The biggest issue I am facing right now is being able to see colors as values and represent them on paper. But with this one, I have to look out for the highlights and shadows and then add more detail to the midtones, since they already exist because of the colored paper.

Challenge 2 - Day 10

Challenge 2 - Day 9

Challenge 2 - Day 8

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Challenge 2 - Day 7

 Digital painting. Took about 1.5 hours to finish. I am having thoughts to go back to it and put more detail and aim to make it realistic. But I am happy the glass looks like glass! Since that was what I was mostly worried about!

Here is my progress from sketch - shadows - highlights - details

Sunday 13 April 2014

Saturday 12 April 2014

Challenge 2 - Day 3

Today I decided to go with 3d using Maya. I had a play around for the first time with cloth, which turned out to be pretty fun!
For this day I was planning to push my abilities and aim for a realistic look. However, sleep has gotten the best of me so I will continue another day.
This image marks the end of Day 3!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Challenge 2 - Day 1

Going back to basics. This time it's all about observation. Where does the light come from? How does it interact with the objects? How do the tones bring out the form of the objects? I aim to learn again from still life by going back to where I started from.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Challenge 1 - Compilation

The kitties mark the days I missed...
This has proved to be a very good exercise for getting back into drawing every day, even if it is a little bit. I have learned a lot, tried out new techniques, without having to worry about how to fill the paper, since I was practically copying the stills. When it comes to learning, it may not be as good as drawing still life or doing life drawing, however Challenge 1 has fulfilled it's purpose: have fun drawing!

Challenge 1 - Day 15

A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
Once again, I am not sure about the caption.

Challenge 1 - Day 14

For a few Dollars More (1965)
I think this is from A Few Dollars More... This is what happens when screenshots are not named properly.

Challenge 1 - Day 13

Wrath of the Titans (2012)

I found some weird concentration power for this one, it worked pretty well!
An "in progress":

Challenge 1 - Day 12

Cowboys Vs Aliens (2011)

Challenge 1 - Day 11

Ender's Game (2013)
Here is an "in progress" image

Challenge 1 - Day 10

Prince of Persia (2010)

Challenge 1 - Day 9

I couldn't find the time for this day either D;

Challenge 1 - Day 8

Cowboys Vs Aliens (2011)
I thought I would try a landscape for a change/

Challenge 1 - Day 7

Leon the Professional (1994)
I am really proud of this one :3

Challenge 1 - Day 6

There is nothing for this day :(

Challenge 1 - Day 5

John Carter (2012)
Trying out a new brush in Photoshop and playing with shapes :3

Challenge 1 - Day 4

Wrath of the Titans (2012)

Challenge 1 - Day 3

Conan the Barbarian (2011)
You can tell I got impatient with this one.

Challenge 1 - Day 2

John Carter (2012)